Doughnuts or donuts? Do you love donuts? Who doesn't? this new class was created for you Come explore with us and make different types...
Come celebrate the season with the flavors of Thailand. Get to know the special aromatic ingredients that contribute to the unique flavor of Thai food....
Anti-inflammatory meal prep class
The Mediterranean diet has become synonymous with health, but what does it mean? this class offers the opportunity to learn some of those principles which...
In this class we will make pork gyoza, vegetable gyoza, pierogis, shrimp dumplings and Austrian Germknudel for dessert. Let us know if you have any...
NOODLE SOUP WITH PORK AND PICKLED GREENS A Chinese staple of home-cooking. This flavorful soup is a full meal with pork, noodles and fermented mustard...
Join us for this winter workshop and learn the principles of clean eating; how to eliminate processed food from your diet, lose weight easily and...
Emilia-Romagna is one of Italy’s best food regions, which means, one of the best food regions in the world. Delicious and simple, Italian food is...